Elderly Monitoring Cameras

Even in today's fast changing world, Family bonds are timeless, Our elderly monitoring camera helps you safeguard the ones who raised you, offering real-time peace of mind.
Technology is ever changing, and there are now methods in place to check on the welfare of your loved ones, even if you are not around. This is more popular with elderly relatives that may require more specialist or round the clock care. No one wants to see their loved ones mistreated in a care setting, but unfortunately this can occur. To make sure that your elderly relatives are receiving the best standard of care, then you may want to look to implement a camera to monitor the elderly.
These high quality Elderly Monitoring Cameras help you give a clear picture of what is happening in the presence of their carers. These can be placed in clear view, so the carers know that they are under close watch, so they are more inclined to perform the role of the best of their ability and give your relative the best possible care.
We live in a connected world these days, which means that you can access live or past footage from your elderly monitor camera from anywhere, at any time! If you think something does not quite add up, then you can simply check past footage from your smartphone or tablet by using the Clan At Home app.

Peace of mind you deserve

No one likes to leave a family member that requires care, which is why you can always check in on the standard of care they are receiving, so the love and attention you would give them is reciprocated by the carers at their home.
An Elderly Surveillance Camera can be a great way of putting your mind at rest, ensuring your relative or friend receives the best possible standard of care.

Get in touch

To contact us about any of the products we offer, then give us a call today on 01254 272688 or email us at support@time2technology.com and we will respond as soon as we can!


Can I talk to my relatives through an elderly security camera?

One of the fantastic features about the security cameras of today is their ability to allow two-way audio through a speaker and microphone. This means your relatives are always at the other end of the line, whenever you would like to talk to them. Even if you can’t make it in person, you are always able to communicate with your loved ones, so you can feel more connected than ever before. This can help reduce a feeling of loneliness and depression within your elderly relative, a win win to us!

All of the camera monitoring systems for the elderly by Time2 incorporate this feature. Be sure to take a look for yourself now!

Can I install an elderly security camera in a care home without permission?

It is highly recommended that you ask the permission of the care home before you go about installing a camera in the room of the resident you are concerned about. By keeping everyone in the loop about your intentions, it means the caregiver can be aware that they are being filmed, which could ultimately increase their standard of care. There are also many other ethical considerations you make before coming to this decision, so you should consult with all parties involved first.

Can an elderly security camera spot incident at night?

If you choose to opt for an elderly security camera from Time2, then you can be rest assured that you will be able to see footage from the room of your relative around the clock. This means that if they take a fall at night, the exceptional night vision capabilities of our elderly monitoring cameras allows you to be instantly alerted to any movement that has been detected through your smart phone, so you can quickly respond.

Pick the camera with the best night vision qualities for you, on site now!